Tap Into The Largest, Wealthiest, And Most Underserved Market In The Fitness Industry

Apply Now To Add An Additional $100k In Revenue To Your Location

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Double Your Profits

Increase Your Retention

Get The Most Out Of Your Location!

Get These Exclusive Bonuses When You Apply Now!

  • Bonus #1: Zero License Payments Until day 60 after you attend so you’re able to start generating profit before you ever pay a monthly fee.

  • Bonus #2: $1000 Buy-In Discount: This is a limited time discount when you apply, book a call, and pay a one time deposit to hold your spot for the FBF Blueprint Workshop.

  • ​Bonus #3: Train My FBF Head Coach: During the 3 day Blueprint Workshop and launch process afterwards we'll work directly with a coach of your choice to train, support, and hold them accountable to run and grow your FBF program. 

2023 FBF Blueprint Workshop Dates

Daphne, AL: June 15th-17th and September 14th-16th

“Under Steven’s leadership and guidance if you take action you will increase not only your impact, but also your profits. Whatever he puts his mind to he delivers on and that’s why I can’t recommend Fit Body Forever enough with leading the way!” 

– Bryce Henson, CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp

How Much Money Are You Leaving On The Table?

During the hours of 10am-2pm your location is not making you money. 

When you add Fit Body Forever, you can generate an additional $5,000-$10,000 during this 4 hour window of time. 

This means every month that goes by, it’s actually costing you $5,000-$10,000 by NOT having Fit Body Forever as a part of your business!

Your investment of time, effort, and energy deserve a better return!

Fit Body Forever Clients:

Content Headline

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What Other Fit Body Owners Are Saying

He's in the trenches and has successfully proven how well the Fit Body Forever program can work inside a FBBC location.

"Steven has been an owner with Fit Body Boot Camp for many years and has one of the most successful locations across the brand. He's in the trenches and has successfully proven how well the Fit Body Forever program can work inside a FBBC location. If you want to help impact more people, capture a market that no one else is, and bring in another 10K EFT a month or more... then I would definitely recommend it! It doesn't matter what Steven is helping you with, make the investment to get coaching from him and you will be successful!" - Nadine VandenHeuvel, Owner, Kincardine and Godreich Fit Body Forever

I was concerned that we’d have enough people join from the older population.

"My first initial feelings with Fit Body Forever was that I was a little bit concerned that we would have enough people to come join from the older population. But, when Steven took over the Fit Body Forever program he gave us the blueprint and guidelines to grow the program. The difference was the level of detail and helping us understand the demographic and exactly what they were looking for. It's been a huge boost to the bottom line. You already have the facility, you already have the electricity, you've got the staff, it's a huge boost in revenue without a whole lot of investment. Simply put, profitability goes up when you add the Fit Body Forever program!" - Kuy Houser, Owner, College Station Fit Body Forever

I was concerned that we’d have enough people join from the older population.

"My first initial feelings with Fit Body Forever was that I was a little bit concerned that we would have enough people to come join from the older population. But, when Steven took over the Fit Body Forever program he gave us the blueprint and guidelines to grow the program. The difference was the level of detail and helping us understand the demographic and exactly what they were looking for. It's been a huge boost to the bottom line. You already have the facility, you already have the electricity, you've got the staff, it's a huge boost in revenue without a whole lot of investment. Simply put, profitability goes up when you add the Fit Body Forever program!" - Kuy Houser, Owner, College Station Fit Body Forever

We were initially concerned that it would be difficult to integrate Fit Body Forever with our current boot camp from a schedule and coaching perspective.

"We were initially concerned that it would be difficult to integrate Fit Body Forever with our current boot camp from a schedule and coaching perspective. However, after attending the Fit Body Forever Blueprint Workshop we were blown away! Steven has put together a step by step process to launch FBF inside your location in just 100 days. He's created so many resources, developed partnerships, and the needed information to help owners be successful. Anything that Steve does is top notch and what he's done with Fit Body Forever is no different. We recommend Fit Body Forever because the market is out there and when you add Fit Body Forever to your location, it's going to help you take it to the next level!" - Tom and Katie Hough, Owner, Richardson Fit Body Forever

How To Get Your Location On Pace For 6 Figures In 6 Months

Apply + Book A Call 
Once your application is approved you’ll book a call with Steven Hadley, the Director Of Fit Body Forever to review your application, see how FBF can help grow your business, and if it makes sense take the next step. 
Attend The FBF Blueprint Workshop 
Fully immerse your team into the FBF experience and learn what the 55+ market wants, needs, and how to provide it at a world class level. You’ll leave with a fully laid out 100 day launch plan to start generating profit in your first 30 days. 
Add $100k In Revenue To Your Location
Get your first session full in your first 100 days, and then your second session topped off by month 6 to add an additional 6 figures to your topline. 
Money Back Guarantee
When you add Fit Body Forever to your business and come to the Blueprint Workshop it's backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee!  However, if for any reason you don't feel like you've gotten every dime worth of your investment, let me know and you'll owe nothing further! 

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